Sponsored by Third Wednesday Poetry Journal, the Crazy Wisdom Poetry Series will be held September 26 and 27 at the Crazy Wisdom Bookstore in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Additional details to be announced.
Sponsored by Third Wednesday Poetry Journal, the Crazy Wisdom Poetry Series will be held September 26 and 27 at the Crazy Wisdom Bookstore in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Additional details to be announced.
Recent Awards
Finalist, The Lascaux Prize in Poetry for “If, In October,” forthcoming in The Lascaux Prize 2018 Anthology
Finalist, Howard Nemerov Sonnet Award from Measure for “Scaffolding”
Pushcart Prize nomination from LIGHT Poetry Journal ...
Held from September 9 through 14, The Art of Writing Ekphrastic Poems: Going Beyond the Visual is an intensive five-day poetry workshop conducted at Lawrence University’s beautiful Bjørklunden (“Birch Forest”) seminar center— a spacious lodge situated on the Lake Michigan...