The project remains open to new participants. Those who would like to submit a video to the map should select a published poem by a poet they love and learn it "by heart." They should then submit a good quality videotape of themselves reciting the poem from memory. Participants are asked to introduce themselves by name on the video recording as well as introduce the poem they perform with a sentence or two. This introduction of the poem should include the name of the poem and the poet. The performer might also note why the poem or poet is important to them, when they memorized the poem, or whatever else seems appropriate to a very brief introduction. The video submission should be sent to with the subject line “Submission Recitation Project” followed by the participant’s name (for example: Submission Recitation Project, Kimberly Blaeser). In the email, include the name of the reciter, the title and author of the poem performed, and the location and date of the recitation.